A Place At The Table

We are excited to show you the new video we made for a truly amazing Raleigh restaurant, A Place At The Table.

A Place At The Table is a local café with a pay-what-you-can business model, so everyone can eat there regardless of their means.  People can pay any amount for food, they can volunteer for a meal, or they can redeem a token for a free meal.


Until recently, the token has been an actual wooden coin token. But because Table is so committed to putting all its patrons on equal footing, they have introduced a new pay-it-forward device, the PLACE card. This credit-card-shaped token is not only a way to remove the visual differentiation between paying and non-paying customers, it also is a way to spread the use of the card to lots of different people with different backgrounds.

 With that in mind, we wanted to create a piece that showed the card being received in lots of different scenarios (as a tip, as a gift, as a welcome-to-town item, and as a help to a person in need) and also showed the positive effects of paying it forward.

Our lovely talent, Bo Wang, on the monitor.

We see a café patron choose the PLACE card as a way to pay it forward, the energy of which then goes out into the community, connecting people from all walks of life. We used some particle effects to show the metaphorical energy that binds us all together, spreading from person to person and showing how these cards can be a great choice in lots of scenarios. By the end of the piece, everyone is eating together in the café as one big group, and our energy has spread throughout the city, creating a web that connects us all.

Our DP, Alex Rivera, behind the counter with our amazing actor/volunteer Davon ready for his closeup.

Working with the Table team has been an amazing opportunity, and we are so grateful to have been able to provide this video for them as part of our charity and outreach efforts for 2022. This group is a truly outstanding one, and the work they do for the city and people from all areas is really inspiring.

 A special thanks to Matt Hedt, Ryan Shackleford, Summit Collective, and Derick Childress of Mesh Design for the donation of their time and equipment, and to Peyote Perryman and Digital P Media for the amazing gift of drone equipment and drone piloting to our production. All of you are appreciated and we can’t thank you enough.

 If you haven’t been to Table yet, get down there! The food and coffee are outstanding, and it’s a unique and powerful opportunity to help the community we all share.

To see more of what we have done, check out our recent work here.  

An amazing group of volunteers helped to bring this video to life!


Quarterly Newsletter - Summer 2022


2022 Here we come…